For a cohort of 1,000 new users, how many are still active after 7, 30, 90+ days?
2. See what happens to product growth
{target} days from now{total}people are using your product
Little numbers turn into big numbers
The goal of this webpage is to help you grok how these product metrics behave when combined.
The right combination of acquisition, retention and referral metrics really matter for product growth. And if you haven't spent time thinking about these numbers it's not always intuitive which are most important, and how their effects compound.
If you're new to this, it's worth flagging that this is a simplified simulation. The rates you can manipulate with these sliders are things that can be measured and optimized for, but which also exist in a broader environment/market which can push these rates up and down without your input.
In the real world, this gets messy and much more volatile. But the basic math(s) is the same. If you get the right percentage of users to sign-up, stick around, and refer their friends you create a magical growth curve.